Behind the Beat: Gender Barriers in the Music Biz

This week, we shed light on the stark realities women face in the music industry. In our detailed exploration, we draw upon insights from the Annenberg Inclusion Initiative, exposing the persistent underrepresentation of women, particularly in roles in song writing and producing. We also share a glimpse into the challenging landscape that female artists navigate, with guest Katie Sahlu, sharing her experiences in the Canadian music scene in Toronto and providing valuable insights into issues like unequal compensation and workplace discrimination.

The spotlight then turns to the gender pay gap in the music industry, revealing alarming statistics. Women artists under major labels in the UK, for instance, earn almost 30% less than their male counterparts, with an average of $0.70 for every male $1. Our discussion delves into the factors contributing to this gap, from biases and negotiation challenges to a toxic industry culture.

As always, we don’t just present the problems—we offer solutions too! Movements like Women in Music (WiM) are highlighted for their efforts in promoting diversity and inclusion. We stress the need for transparency, advocating for job advertisements that list salaries and publishing action plans with clear timelines.

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