Empowering Women Through… Leadership (Part 2 with the moms!)
PART TWO WITH THE MOMS! This week, we're tackling the dynamic concept of leadership, guided by the wisdom and experiences of our built-in mentors and leaders—our moms, Gwen and Marlene.
If you know us, you know we’re passionate about intergenerational leadership. But what exactly does that mean? It's about meaningful engagement across generations, recognizing the valuable perspectives and experiences each generation brings to the table. In our latest episode, we explore this concept further and explore how leadership transcends job titles, authority, and power.
In our conversation, we challenge conventional notions of leadership. True leadership isn't about a job title or positional authority; it's about empowering others to succeed. As Simon Sinek and Brené Brown advocate, leadership is about finding and developing the potential in people and processes, regardless of age or job level. We believe that everyone can lead, and it's never too early or too late to start.
Part two of our conversation with Gwen and Marlene offers invaluable insights into leadership. From critical skills for women leaders to overcoming barriers and supporting the next generation, their wisdom shines a light on the path forward. With over four decades of combined leadership experience, their advice is both practical and empowering.
As always, we confront some alarming statistics hindering women's leadership paths. From societal norms and media representation to gender bias and lack of role models, women face numerous barriers along their leadership journey. But we're not ones to shy away from challenges. Instead, we delve into actionable steps to dismantle these barriers and pave the way for future female leaders.
So, what now? From advocating for equitable workplaces to expanding knowledge and seeking mentorship, we have a role to play in driving change. Together, we can make the world less scary for women and girls. Share this episode, engage with us on social media, and take concrete steps to support women in leadership. Together, we can create a more inclusive and equitable future for all.
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